Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shopping List

It's Sunday, and one of my absolute favorite parts of every Sunday is making my grocery list! After lunch (so I am not making a list when I'm hungry, otherwise I would put way too many extras on my list) I pop in a movie, spread all my cookbooks and recipe files and baking books all around me, and start searching through each one to make my menu for the week. It's funny because things I will have skipped right over a previous week will suddenly stand out and get added to my menu. I plan out a meal for each night of the week (always leaving one or two free for plans with friends or out to eat) and make my corresponding list. This is so helpful to me for so many reasons: 1. It's a big money saver, because when I have all these fresh groceries needing used, I definitely am not going to be spending money going out to eat. 2. It makes my weeks much healthier because I have control over my recipes, my portion size, and it's overall always healthier to cook at home. 3. I always get excited seeing what I am going to make for the week ahead, and meals are such a great bonding time for Zach and I (plus he's such a big help in the kitchen and in cleaning up!)

So now I have another week's menu planned and I can't wait! Tonight is chicken francese, spinach salads, and home-made honey spice bread! Yum!


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