Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Do You Want?

I've been thinking a lot about what people want out of life, what I want out of life. We say so casually "You only get one shot" or "This is the only life you have, make it count" but to actually think about the truth in those words is a sobering yet also exciting thought. It's exciting because for whatever reason, YOU were the one given this chance, this opportunity to make your life what you want it to be. I know there are many different things that people crave, that they strive for, their ultimate goal in life...


A Family

A Huge House


Acquiring their Dream Job

When I really think about happiness, about what I want out of life, I come up with something that doesn't necessarily have a picture. Something I can't just "google image search." (Well actually I can, and I did, but you just get all kinds of crazy pictures...) What I am looking for are experiences. Chances to live and to learn and be changed. There is nothing that feels as amazing as doing something you have only dreamed about, or better yet something you never even dared to dream you could do! The way I want to make my days count is by filling them with opportunities, experiences...memories. I want to have no regrets. To never be able to look back and wish I had done something differently or just flat out done something I didn't do. Don't you want to make every chance count? Don't you just want to go places, see things, DO things?!

That's what I want. To live.


1 comment:

  1. i like the dream job picture thats so where im at right now haha.
