Monday, March 28, 2011

I Must Say...

Time really flies. I know people always say that, but seriously- where did March go? In fact didn't it just become 2011 a few days ago? Even though every work week I am dying for the weekend, I try desperately not to wish time away because man, it's going fast enough! I think this must be one of the many reasons I take sooo many pictures. I am trying to freeze time by capturing all these bits and pieces of my life. It would be great if we had the ability to slow time down so that we could better enjoy and savor some of the best times of our lives. If I could make moments last longer I certainly would...except right now, right now I am tired and want it to be 5:30 so I can get off of work... So for this specific instance- come on time, fly! :)


1 comment:

  1. seriously! yes! you just gave me an opp to say the same thing i say every month! haha - can you believe march is oveR??! tomorrow is our last day! better make it a good one!!
