Thursday, March 3, 2011

Seasons May Change

I am beyond happy that it is March. The first month that doesn't just SOUND like winter and snow when you say it's name. Yes, it does mean lots of rain and plenty of chilly days, but it is still forward progress! Our weather is definitely not shorts and flip flop weather by any means (though I can guarantee you I will break out the flip flops way earlier than is socially acceptable). However, it is nice enough to wear lighter jackets, go for walks, and not crank up the heat every day. I am especially happy today, because this is the first day of 2011 that I am going to take the daycare kids outside. They need it, I need me, we all need it! :) So besides looking forward to that this afternoon, here are some things that warmer weather brings that I cannot wait for:

Grilling Out

Days at the Pool 
I especially wouldn't mind having one HERE


To name just a few...



  1. I also will break out the flip flops before most people around here. I would wear them all winter if I could!

  2. march. finally! im ready for warmth too. walking everywhere here in shanghai is tough when it's so cold!
