Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Always Looking Forward

I am one of those people who gets unnaturally excited about things. Even things that may seem like not such a big deal to most people can just make me ecstatic! This past Saturday we had pretty warm weather, it was a beautiful day, and you should have seen me. I was over the moon about the temperature and could barely sit still for a second (working with young children must be rubbing off on me!) So basically I can get excited about anything that is slightly out of the ordinary from my day to day life. It honestly is one of the things that makes me the happiest - being excited and looking forward to something. I always have big things that I am stoked for (currently on the radar: skydiving, Niagra Falls, and our two week vacation in June) but it's all the little things along the way that get me by. I can get myself worked up about pretty much anything, and it's great because when something I have been waiting forever for comes to fruition I don't feel the big let-down after because I am always looking ahead..What made me think of all this today is that there are a lot of things I am really looking forward to this week!

Wine and games date night with my husband :)

Trivia night at the Heorot (a local bar) with all of my friends. Surely with all of us on one team we are bound to win SOMEthing!

Date night with Kori first, then out with all our friends for St. Paddy's Day

Don't actually have Friday plans yet, but it's Friday, enough said.

The whole crew is headed downtown for "Muncie Gras" to hear my dad's band and I am going to try my luck at riding a mechanical bull!

:) Nothing but good times ahead!



  1. yey for unnatural excitement! your the best best friend one could want!

  2. This is gonna be a great week hunny! I'm glad we are such great people who love doing things instead of just being lazy!
