Friday, February 11, 2011

Not Exactly a Chick Flick

My taste in movies is, I suppose, a bit different than your typical girl's. My favorite movies include some combination of war/battle scenes, fantasy, and are typically set back in time. Tonight my husband and I are going to go see The Eagle, a movie that is being released today. A movie that looks to be right up my alley! In the spirit of this kind of movie I am creating a list of my top five all-time favorite movies...

1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy (I am going to count all three as one, because otherwise they would just take up spaces 1, 2, and 3). These are absolutely hands down my go-to movies for...anything. I literally pop at least one of them in at least once or twice a week. AT LEAST. This doesn't mean I sit and watch the entire thing always, and I will start them at random points, strangely they are almost company. When I am home alone I fall asleep with these on. When I am eating by myself (or even sometimes with Zach) I put one in. When I am writing or planning a menu for the week or researching travel you can be assured that one of the LOTR movies is right there with me. I honestly have them pretty much memorized. I know, I know- sad, right? But I can't help it. They are the ultimate combination of everything that I love in a movie, so therefore, I am in love.
2. 300. A great movie. The graphics are unusual, and I really like that for being so different. This movie also has some really great lines in it! (And I always love a good movie quote)

3. Gladiator. Russell Crowe. Joaquin Phoenix. Enough said.
4. Troy. I have always really loved and been fascinated by Greek mythology, and the story of Troy is no exception. Plus Achilles is one of the most fantastic warriors of all time.

5. The Harry Potter movies. All of them. This doesn't quite follow suit with the previous movies, but it does have the complete fantasy aspect, battle scenes on a different level, and feels like it has been set back in time even though it really isn't. Now don't knock the Harry Potter movies til you have tried them. I always thought they were "kids" movies and probably not worth my time, but in one long weekend Zach and I decided to sit down and watch all of them in order, and they are fabulous! I mean really well done- and they only get better as they go on. I also read the books and J.K. Rowlings is really a captivating author. These are another set of movies that I can watch over and over and play them constantly. No judgment :)

As a side note, Titanic is also one of my favorite movies of all time (it just didn't really fit on this list). I have mentioned before that I have an affinity for really long movies because you get (and by you I mean me) so drawn into it that it becomes a whole experience!

So tonight I am hoping that The Eagle will be one of those movies that just takes me away, puts me in a different time, and has some epic battle scenes!

P.S. I also have an obsession with horror movies. I know, I have the strangest movie taste ever right?



  1. Oh my goodness, we have the exact same taste in movies. I don't get to watch as many as I would like, but these are the ones I always go for. Gladiator is it for me! Gotta love the rugged Mr. Crowe.

  2. I love it! Another woman who shares my passion for movies with battle scenes :)
