Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Morning Dew and Ursula Le Guin

I have never been a morning person, and I am not a fan of getting up at 6:30 every day. I must say that if there is one thing about this time of day that redeems itself though, it is the peacefulness. This is going to sound very specific, but when it is a day like today: not quite cold but still slightly cool, not totally light but you can see light in the sky, with barely a car driving by and all of the birds chirping- this is my favorite way to start the morning. Sometimes I like to go outside and just stand for even only ten seconds just to breathe in the fresh, unspoiled morning air and feel alive. Then I sit in front of a window most of the morning waiting for parents to arrive with their children, so the way it sounds and looks outside has a definite effect on me and my day, and despite the forecasted rain, today is starting off very nicely :)

On another note entirely, there is a website you can go to and type in a bit of whatever you want and it will analyze your writing style and tell you which writer you emulate. (Click here for the website if you want to try this yourself) I used a piece from an older blog post (A Limited Amount of Time). The writer it chose for me was Ursula K. Le Guin- someone I had never heard of (and props to you if you have!) so I researched her and was quite pleased with what I found. She wrote a whole collection of fantasy novels called the "Earthsea" novels. Anyone who knows me knows that I love the fantasy genre (The Lord of the Rings series being my absolute favorite films and books) and so I am pleased to apparently be resembling an author who dwells on the fantastical.
Here are a few of her fantasy novels from 1968 all the way to 2001 (though all with new covers I believe). What a large writing span.

 I do believe I will have to get my hands on these and see if I truly do emulate Ms. Le Guin!


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