Monday, November 15, 2010

Spin Class

Well right now it's nap-time for the kiddos and all I can think of is how ready I am to go to spin class! Spinning is one of my favorite parts of the week. I go to spin every Monday and Wednesday evening for a seriously good workout. I wish I could attend more nights, but my work schedule doesn't permit it! I started going to spin a little over a year ago, late last October. I remember in the first couple of classes thinking I was going to pass out, I would never be able to sit again, and I would never be able to follow all the teacher's instructions! It's funny when you look back on things and see how far you've come how hard they seemed at first! Spin class is still challenging though, and that's what's great about it- it is as difficult or easy as you make it. One of the things my Wednesday instructor says often is "It's your workout!" And that is such a great reminder that I will only get out what I put in. The more resistance I add to my bike and the faster I am able to go, the more calories I will be able to burn. On average I burn about 375 to 400 calories and bike 22-25 miles, all depending on what we do that day. Some classes we spend a lot of time "climbing" where you are increasing your resistance consistently and making it harder and harder. This is really good for calorie burning, but not so much on distance. Other classes we spend more time "sprinting" which obviously does the opposite. There is always enough variation in the class that you don't get too burned out doing one move, and spinning to the music is always fun! (My Wednesday teacher picks the best music!) So if you want a challenge and a really great workout, spin class is a good way to push yourself beyond what you think you are able to do! Plus, working out in a group setting is always more motivating and encourages you to do things you otherwise may not do on your own!


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