Thursday, November 11, 2010

Smart Pop!

I. Am. In. Love.
With a popcorn!!!! 
I am the kind of person who always wants SOMETHING to eat in the evening after dinner, but I also don't want to undo the whole days exercise and healthy food or consume too much too close to bed time. This is where my new obsession comes in: Orville Redenbacher's 100 Calorie Smart Pop
Please don't let the words "mini bags" fool you- this is like the biggest serving size for 100 calories I have ever seen!! See, I am not a fan of the 100 cal. snack packs because while yes, they are only 100 calories, they are just empty calories with no good benefits and the serving size is so small that your snack craving isn't the least bit satisfied. This is stuff is amazing though! Not only are you getting some good benefits in your calories (such as poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats, 12% of your daily fiber, 4g of protein, and 4% iron!) but it is an incredible amount of snack! The first time I made a bag and poured it into a bowl (a large bowl I might add) it way over-flowed my bowl and I swear I quadruple-checked the serving size. I couldn't believe my eyes- 6 1/2 cups of this popcorn is ONE serving size! Unheard of! If I didn't used to be a huge fan of popcorn, I am sold now! This has become a favorite nighttime buddy of mine, and one I don't have to feel bad about later. If I am really craving a little sweetness I drizzle some honey over the top (not too much-1 tsp. equals 15 cal.). Please give this snack a try and let me know what you think, I promise it will rock your world!

Thus far I have only tried the kettle corn kind, but I am looking forward to trying the 100 cal. butter one as well!



  1. I love that popcorn too! As long as you don't put butter and cheese on it popcorn really is a good snack!

  2. I'm sad that u have a new love hunny. But I'm glad u found a good snack to satisfy those late night cravings u get...also saves me from running to DQ all the time..
