Thursday, January 27, 2011

In a "Quandary?"

In shortly over four months I will be attempting to climb (no, not attempting...DOING IT) Quandary Peak.
 Quandary peak is a fourteener out in Colorado- meaning it's over 14,000 feet in elevation. My Uncle Greg lives in Denver and has climbed almost every fourteener in the state; a fact that makes me completely awed and insanely jealous :) Quandary is considered a climb for beginners **cough cough- ME* but it doesn't mean it's going to be easy I don't think, but then again, I didn't sign up for easy. I want this to challenge me and wear me out physically and emotionally so that when (WHEN) I reach the summit and I have the reward of looking out as far as I can see it will be all that it can possibly be. It is essentially a six mile hike to the summit and back to the trailhead. One site I found on it says this "The trail starts moderately but soon begins a steady, relentless ascent of about 3 miles as it gains over 3,100 feet in elevation." Relentless :) What a fabulous word. I too will be relentless!

The red line is indicative of the path we will be taking


  1. You left out the part where I will also be climbing this peak too! It's gonna be tough, but alot of fun... can't wait to experience this with you and ur uncle!

  2. i liked the word relentless too. perfect!
