Friday, December 17, 2010

Pick a Pattern

Bold. Classy. Fabulous. That is what I think of these patterned tights. As of right now, I don't own a pair- but mark my words: I will! I just love the statement they make and the number of things you can 
pair them with. Granted, some of the patterns are outrageous and just don't work, and at some point I will probably wear a pair that is too outrageous, but if you don't ever go out on a limb with your style how will you find some outfits that are a smashing success? Make fashion fun! Get something you like on someone else but are afraid to try on yourself. I give almost everything a chance once (except for crocs) and if I don't like it, well I have learned something new about myself. I even bought a pair of gray legwarmers last year because I wanted to try the style. It didn't work on me AT ALL and now they are in my drawer, but hey, I now know I could never lead a jazzercise video because of my loathe of leg warmers!

Lots and lots of prep work to do for tonight. Christmas party with all our friends at our house! Been busy cooking, and of course baking! Made: fudge brownies, secret kiss cookies, and peppermint fudge. Tonight everyone is bringing a bottle of wine 

and we are going to have a white elephant and watch Christmas movies and have a wonderful time! Can't wait!!

P.S. The Christmas giving has already begun for me- last night during Thursday Night Date Kori and I exchanged our gifts!!


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