I have a confession to make. I have been avoiding my blog like the plague. This is entirely due to the fact that I want to post about all kinds of random things but have been feeling like I can't post about anything new until I catch up on vacation posts (which are both daunting and overwhelming). So since almost all of my few followers are friends with me on facebook and have already seen my 6,000 vacation pictures, I am going to ask that you forgive me but I am stopping the vacay posts.
On another note entirely I have been loving so many healthful things lately!
-Last Friday Zach and I rode about 10 miles on the Cardinal Greenway and made the trip to Hunnicutts (a local gem) and back
-We have started playing tennis/disc golf/going for walks quite a bit more
-I have positively cleaned up at the Farmer's Market the past couple of Saturdays with everything from banana peppers to juicy peaches to candy onions to red potatoes
-I have become a regular once more at our Y's Saturday morning strength training classes
-I am stoked to take Zach to his first Core Blast class tonight!
-I am also thoroughly enjoying making my weekly menus.
Here's what's on the menu this week...
Monday- red potatoes, Crockpot Chicken Cordon Bleu, Mixed veggies
Tuesday- buttered green beans (fresh beans of course), cranberry dijon pork roast, fruit
Wednesday- Ravioli and cheese bake, salad, fruit
Thursday- grilled veggies, orange roughy Italiano
Friday- lemon couscous, corn on the cob, baked chicken breasts
youre cute. i miss you.