Is anyone else's life absolutely crazy right now?! It's been so busy and my days have been so full that I have been neglecting my blogging... After our Cinco de Mayo fiesta on Thursday I will definitely have to do a catch up post on life, but for the moment I find my mind running in too many separate directions to even write a coherent post! I find my mind continuously packing and re-packing suitcases for our vacation that is a mere 31 days away. I am trying to reassure myself that not all that many people have been killed skydiving. I keep re-working our party list for which people are bringing what Mexican items. I'm working on narrowing down Indy restaurants to find the perfect one to take Mom to for her Mother's Day get-away. Currently I'm in the process of working on a picture project for all of the states we have visited thus far. Then on top of it all I must fit time in for the gym and home-cooked meals and spending quality (since we definitely don't get quantity) time with my incredible husband who puts up with all of this madness :) Maybe by tomorrow I will have found something useful to share with you all!
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